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Welcome to the Oregon State Bar Online
Oregon Law Help Soft-Launch. OSB and our partners are now testing Oregon Law Help, a new website where low-income Oregonians can find civil legal information and free or affordable legal help. During this soft-launch phase, OSB is collecting user feedback to help make the site the best it can be.

Programs to Help you Find the Right Lawyer - Oregon State Bar
We can help you figure out what kind of assistance you may need and give you more information about other Oregon State Bar, government, and community service programs that may be able to assist you. PLEASE NOTE: The Lawyer Referral Service staff works remotely and does not accept walk-ins.

Oregon Lawyers - Compare Top Attorneys in Oregon - Justia
Compare 1000 attorneys in Oregon on Justia. Comprehensive lawyer profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social media.

Lawyer Referral Services - Oregon State Bar
To get referred to a lawyer: Contact us online. Call us from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at (503) 684-3763 in Portland, or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The Modest Means Program provides lawyers to help people for less money than usual. You can qualify for help based on: The availability of participating lawyers.

Lawyer Referral Service - Oregon State Bar | Oregon Law Help
The Lawyer Referral Service of the Oregon State Bar connects Oregonians with local lawyers. All referral service attorneys provide an initial meeting of up to 30 minutes for no more than $35. After the initial meeting, lawyers charge standard fees.

Attorney Search Oregon, United States - Best Lawyers
Best Lawyers provides a trusted directory of top legal professionals in Oregon, United States. Whether you're a potential client or a legal professional, this is your resource to find the best legal expertise.

Oregon (OR) Attorney, Law Firm Directory - FindLaw
Need a lawyer in Oregon? FindLaw's Lawyer Directory is the largest online directory of lawyers. Browse more than one million listings, covering everything from employment law to estate planning.

Oregon Lawyers - Find the Right Law Firm and Attorney for You - Avvo.com
Oregon currently has more than 15,622 attorneys active on Avvo. Read real reviews, ask questions to real legal experts, and get a jumpstart on your legal challenge. Find the best lawyers in Oregon near you using the navigation below.

Top Attorneys in Oregon - Super Lawyers
Looking for a top attorney in Oregon? Super Lawyers directory is a selected list of top attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. You can browse attorney listings covering the spectrum of legal practice, including personal injury, family law, business litigation, and much more.

Legal Directory | Oregon Law Help
You can use this page to search for free and low-cost lawyers and legal help in Oregon.* For personalized referrals, based on your income, location, and legal problem, you can use our Guided Help tool instead.**

Oregon Attorneys (OR)
Need an attorney in Oregon? Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure.

About the Legal Directory - Oregon Law Help
Oregon Law Help is a joint project of the Oregon State Bar, the Oregon Judicial Department, Legal Aid Services of Oregon, the Oregon Law Center, the Oregon Law Foundation, and Oregon Consumer Justice. We work together to create information that is accurate, easy to understand, and actionable.

Oregon Attorneys - LII Attorney Directory
Find Oregon Attorneys by Practice Area. National Trial Lawyers and The National Advocacy for DUI Defense, LLC Oregon State Bar, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association...



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